You can contact the NBSK via mail, telephone, fax or e-mail.
#301 Takasho Heights, 2-4-7,
Akabaneminami, Kita-ku, Tokyo,115-0044
【T e l】 +81-3-5249-4440
【F a x】 +81-3-5249-0065
【E-Mail】 tbk@nbsk-jp.org
【U R L】 https://nbsk-jp.org
【M A P】 Please refer to the map.
10-minute walk from JR Akabane station
JR Shinjuku Sta. 14min. (JR Saikyo-Line)
JR Tokyo Sta. 20min. (JR Keihintohoku-Line)
JR Omiya Sta. 24min. (JR Keihintohoku-Line)
Narita Airport 80min. (via Nippori Sta.)
Haneda Airport 50min. (via Shinagawa Sta.)