「日本刀の匠たちー第7回新作日本刀 研磨 外装 刀職技術展覧会」講演会のお知らせ

「日本刀の匠たちー第7回新作日本刀 研磨 外装 刀職技術展覧会」の開催に合わせて、講演会を行います。

日 時:平成28年6月18日(土) 10時~11時
会 場:坂城町中心市街地コミュ二ティーセンター(坂城町鉄の展示館隣接)

〒389-0601 長野県埴科郡坂城町大字坂城6313-2 電話0268(82)1128

講演者:金沢工業大学 畝田道雄教授
題 目:姿・機能・感性評価に着目した日本刀の「美」に関する工学的解析と考察
会 費:無料(※鉄の展示館への入館が必要)

「日本刀の匠たちー第7回新作日本刀 研磨 外装 刀職技術展覧会」 授賞式と懇親会のご案内


日 時:平成28年6月18日(土) 11:30〜13:00(受付開始 10:30〜)
会 場:坂城町中心市街地コミュ二ティーセンター(坂城町鉄の展示館隣接)

〒389-0601 長野県埴科郡坂城町大字坂城6313-2 電話0268(82)1128

2.懇親会  (会費制とさせて戴きます。)

日 時:平成28年6月18日(土)  13:30~15:00
会 場:授賞式と同一会場です。
会 費:5千円 (ご同伴の方 3千円)


<お問い合わせ先> 協会 事務局 住所〒115-0044東京都北区赤羽南2-4-7 鷹匠ハイツ301号
電話03(5249)4440 FAX03(5249)0065 E-mail:tbk@nbsk-jp.org


会 期:平成28年6月18日(土)~8月21日(日)9:00~17:00(入館は16:30まで)

(休館日 月曜日 但し祝日の場合は翌日)

会 場:坂城町鉄の展示館

〒389-0601 長野県埴科郡坂城町大字坂城6313-2 電話0268(82)1128

講師変更のお知らせ 「はじめて学ぶ日本刀入門講座 八王子市生涯学習センター」

「はじめて学ぶ日本刀入門講座」 八王子市生涯学習センター

講師が「刀工 宮入小左衛門行平」から「日本刀研師 三品謙次」に

「八王子市教育委員会 学習支援課」までお願い致します。


-The 1st Sword Oshigata Art Division Guidelines-

On this occasion the NBSK would like to introduce a new test category.

It is said that oldest extant record book of Japanese swords is the Kanchi’in bon Mei Zukushi. This book, regarded as the ‘father of oshigata’, only recorded the nakago shapes and types of yasurime (filemarks). In later books, blade shapes, signatures, and characteristics of the hamon and so forth would be recorded as close to the originals as possible. Today, paper is laid on the blade and a rubbing is taken of the shape and inscriptions. Then the hamon and activities are meticulously recorded by drawing in ink or pencil. The result differs from photographs in that it is precisely recorded data and reproduced in scrolls and books.

The term Oshigata is well known inside and outside of Japan. Oshigata are not only recognized as valuable data, but the various differences in production technique display the artist’s level of skill and understanding of the subject matter. Also, there are various reasons that people produce oshigata. Some artisans like to keep a record of their own works, polishers may keep a record of the famous swords that they have polished, or a sword enthusiast may keep a record of a sword they have owned to pass onto their grandchildren. It is known that there are many people who continue to produce oshigata.

However, until now there have been only very few instances where artists have had a chance to display their oshigata prowess. By exhibiting oshigata as well as swords, we hope that the viewers will gain a deeper understanding of the Japanese sword, and an opportunity to appreciate the role of oshigata in the world of Japanese swords.

Therefore, we warmly invite you to try your hand at producing oshigata, and enter our competition.



The 7th Japanese Sword Craftsmens’ Exhibition/Competition Guide

We thank you for your interest in the Nihonto Bunka Shinko Kyokai (NBSK), and look forward to your valued contributions and support of the NBSK’s future activities.

In 2016, the NBSK as a foundation for public interest will hold the exhibition for the 7th Japanese Sword Craftsmens’ Exhibition in The Sakaki-machi Museum of Tetsu in Sakaki-machi, Hanishina county, Nagano prefecture who are also the co- sponsors. The exhibition as stated below Minister Award and so forth, awarded to outstanding works in the competition. The results of which will be widely published. Based of last years results, we expecting to see more this year.

This year, in addition to the regular categories of sword making, polishing, and mountings,

We would therefore advise all those interested in entering the competition to pay close attention to the following guidelines.


Please download the following pdf (181kb)file.